

सेल्युलाईट कमी


अल्ट्रालिफ्ट 7डी प्रो

अल्ट्रालिफ्ट 7डी प्रो

The UltraLift 7D Pro is a cutting-edge device designed for non-invasive skin lifting and tightening. Using advanced High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) तकनीकी, the UltraLift 7D Pro delivers precise energy to multiple layers of the skin, enabling both superficial and deep treatments. Its multi-dimensional approach offers superior flexibility and control, making it an ideal solution for clients seeking effective, long-lasting results in facial and body rejuvenation. This innovative technology is perfect for clinics looking to expand their treatment offerings with a reliable, high-performance skin-lifting solution.

Key Features:

  • बहुआयामी उपचार: अल्ट्रालिफ्ट 7डी प्रो तकनीक कई आयामों में उपचार को सक्षम बनाती है, अधिक व्यापक और लक्षित दृष्टिकोण की अनुमति देना. यह त्वचा की विभिन्न परतों का उपचार कर सकता है, सतही और गहरी परतों सहित, सर्वोत्तम परिणामों के लिए.
  • सटीक ऊर्जा वितरण: अल्ट्रालिफ्ट 7डी प्रो वांछित उपचार क्षेत्रों में ऊर्जा पहुंचाने के लिए उन्नत अल्ट्रासाउंड तकनीक का उपयोग करता है. यह सटीकता सटीक लक्ष्यीकरण और अधिकतम प्रभावशीलता सुनिश्चित करती है.
  • उन्नत उठाने और कसने: अल्ट्रालिफ्ट 7डी प्रो को पारंपरिक एचआईएफयू की तुलना में बेहतर लिफ्टिंग और कसने वाले प्रभाव प्रदान करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है. यह ढीली त्वचा को प्रभावी ढंग से उठा सकता है, झुर्रियाँ कम करें, और समग्र त्वचा की दृढ़ता और लोच में सुधार होता है.

The UltraLift 7D Pro is a cutting-edge device designed for non-invasive skin lifting and tightening. Using advanced High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) तकनीकी, the UltraLift 7D Pro delivers precise energy to multiple layers of the skin, enabling both superficial and deep treatments. Its multi-dimensional approach offers superior flexibility and control, making it an ideal solution for clients seeking effective, long-lasting results in facial and body rejuvenation.

This innovative technology is perfect for clinics looking to expand their treatment offerings with a reliable, high-performance skin-lifting solution.

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Cartridges with highly concentrated ultrasound beams deliver power with accuracy and precision to the specified focal region.

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Cartridges with lower frequencies allow deeper penetration to the focal region with a larger energy density.

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  • Product Name: अल्ट्रालिफ्ट 7डी प्रो
  • Energy Type: उच्च तीव्रता केंद्रित अल्ट्रासाउंड
  • Output Power: 0.1~0.3J (Adjustable in 0.1J increments)
  • Dot Distance: 1~2mm (Adjustable in 0.1mm increments)
  • Output Length: 5.0~25mm (Adjustable in 5mm increments)
  • Rated Power: 100-240V, 50HZ/60HZ
  • Product Weight: 35KG
  • ProductDimensions: 5005151310mm
  • Probes Available: 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 3.0mm, 4.5mm, 6.0mm, 9.0mm, 13.0mm


Face Lift & Tighten

Multiple cartridges are customized for shallow layers of the face and neck to address sagging skin, collagen renewal, and absolute wrinkle reduction.

  • 4.5 mm probe (उठाना) – Acting on SAMA fascial layer to tighten the muscle bottom and achieve firmness.
  • 3.0 mm probe (Tightening) – Aiming on the dermis to stimulate continuous regeneration of collagen.
  • 2.0 mm probe ( Wrinkle Erasing) – The world’s original treatment probe specializing for eyes and deep lines such as forehead, neck and crow’s feet.
  • 1.5 mm transducer (Toning) – Targeting at the epidermis to improve superficial fine lines, skin tone, skin texture and fine pores.


Body Tighten & Contour

Macro focused transducers with a larger density and deeper penetration of HIFU target the body’s subcutaneous layers at 3 different depths to slim contours and remove stubborn fat.

  • Exclusive design of 6.0 mm and 9.0 mm transducers can adapt to different people and have wider application range. It can solve the problem of local precision sculpture more effectively.
  • 6.0 mm transducer for the chest, 9.0 mm transducer for the thigh, 13 mm transducer for the abdomen.
  • 6.0 mm probe is aimed at improving double chin with excellent effect.

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Facial Lifting and Whole Body contouring Treatments Before and After pictures

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