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Dynalines MD и частота новейшие технологии наращивания мышц и ужесточения кожи в 2025

Dynalines MD и частота новейшие технологии наращивания мышц и ужесточения кожи в 2025

DynaLines® is a revolutionary muscle sculpting and recovery device designed to provide highly effective solutions for fitness, body shaping, and rehabilitation.

Ключевые особенности:

  • Настройка: Персонализированные планы обучения по уровню фитнеса, Тип тела, и цели.
  • 8 Области тренируются одновременно: Точно нацеливаться на несколько независимых групп мышц.
  • 3 Режимы: Усиление мышечной выносливости, укрепить ядро, увеличить толщину мышечного волокна, и повысить метаболизм.

Beyond Sculpting, Dual Breakthrough

DynaLines® is a revolutionary muscle sculpting and recovery device designed to provide highly effective solutions for fitness, body shaping, and rehabilitation.

It combines Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) технология with our market-exclusive 7 Frequencies technology, delivering superior muscle enhancement while promoting deep tissue repair and circulation.

realistic scenery (3)

Принцип работы

Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS)

An advanced form of electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) that fires up distinct muscle groups, leading to a deep muscle workout that’s both comprehensive and streamlined. Unlike EMS devices that cater to one muscle at a time, it can simultaneously target up to eight areas, cultivating a symphony of motion that not only enhances muscle tone but also promotes a substantial increase in muscle mass.

  • Prep Mode

Creates a twisting motion to warm up,stretch the muscles, and slowly build a tolerance to muscle contractions.

  • Tone Mode

Contracts the muscles,holds it to the point of exhaustion, then relaxes it to increase strength and enhance endurance.

  • Sculpt Mode

Быстрый, deep, sequential contractions of the muscles to build musclemass.

3 Modes

Result Delivered

Ultrasound testing result


30 Minutes Of Treatment Equals 50,000 Sit-Ups!

SF ( Seven Frequencies ) technology

The SF ( Seven Frequencies ) technology not only increases tissue temperature, aiding in healing and blood circulation, but also generates specific electrical fields that enhance cellular repair mechanisms.

SF working principle


  • Nearly zero energy release
  • Concentrating all energy delivered on the treated area
  • Total safe operability

Advantages Of Dynalines

  • Настройка: Customize the number and position of muscle pads. Tailored training plans based on fitness level, Тип тела, и цели. Precisely target large and small muscle groups.
  • 8 Области тренируются одновременно: Complete muscle training program with no recovery period. Точно нацеливаться на несколько независимых групп мышц.
  • 3 Режимы: Three intensified modes: rotation, contraction, and tightening. Усиление мышечной выносливости, укрепить ядро, увеличить толщину мышечного волокна, и повысить метаболизм.
  • High Efficiency: Nearly zero energy release. Concentrating all energy delivered on the treated area. Total safe operability.


До & После

Before & After

Realistic Scene


Realistic Scene


RF Handle 448Khz-1Mhz
Технология Multi-directional Electricity
Interface 121 inch touch screen
Working Mode continuous
Power Requirements 220-230ВАК,4А,50Hz/60Hz
Machine Size 500*490*1190мм
Gross Weight 52KG
Machine weight 45KG
Packing Size 600*590*1310мм
S-Sculpt Physio Obesity


Hip Lifting Fitness Postpartum

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