Remoção de pigmento

Problemas de pigmentação são problemas comuns de pele que podem afetar muito a confiança e a aparência. Nossas soluções avançadas de tratamento utilizam tecnologias e métodos de ponta para abordar esses problemas de forma abrangente.

As vantagens da Fotromed


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Our Pigment Removal Solutions

Our pigment removal treatments utilize cutting-edge technology to deliver optimal results:

Our Pigment Removal Solutions

Our pigment removal treatments utilize cutting-edge technology to deliver optimal results:

Our Pigment Removal Solutions

Our pigment removal treatments utilize cutting-edge technology to deliver optimal results:

Microagulha RF (MNRF)

Esta tecnologia utiliza agulhas finas e energia de radiofrequência para penetrar na pele, promovendo a produção de colágeno e endurecimento da pele, tratando eficazmente cicatrizes e problemas de pigmentação.

Laser de CO2 fracionado

Esta tecnologia laser cria microlesões na pele, estimulando o processo natural de cura do corpo e promovendo o crescimento de novos, células da pele saudáveis. É altamente eficaz para cicatrizes profundas e pigmentação.

Hidro Facial

Um tratamento não invasivo que combina limpeza, esfoliação, extração, hidratação, e proteção antioxidante, ajudando a tratar acne e pigmentação enquanto nutre a pele.

LED PDT (Terapia Fotodinâmica)

Terapia Fotodinâmica (PDT) com luz LED ajuda a reduzir a acne, atacando bactérias e reduzindo a inflamação, promovendo uma pele mais saudável.

Pigment Removal Treatment: Antes & Depois

Laser Treatment for Dark Spots

Perguntas frequentes

What causes pigment issues on the skin?
Pigment issues, such as hyperpigmentation, are caused by an excess production of melanin. This can be triggered by various factors including sun exposure, hormonal changes, envelhecimento, and skin injuries or inflammation.
How do advanced pigment removal treatments work?
Advanced pigment removal treatments target the melanin in the affected areas using technologies like laser therapy, intense pulsed light (IPL), e peelings químicos. These treatments break down the excess pigment, allowing the body to naturally remove it and leading to a more even skin tone.
Are pigment removal treatments safe for all skin types?
Sim, our pigment removal treatments are designed to be safe and effective for all skin types. No entanto, it's important to have a consultation with a qualified specialist to determine the best treatment plan for your specific skin type and condition.
How many sessions are required to see results?
The number of sessions required varies depending on the severity of the pigmentation and the type of treatment used. Typically, patients may see noticeable improvements after a few sessions, but a full course of treatment might require multiple visits for optimal results.
What should I expect during and after a pigment removal treatment?
Durante o tratamento, you might feel a slight tingling or warmth on your skin. Depois do tratamento, some redness or mild swelling may occur, which usually subsides within a few hours to a couple of days. It's important to follow post-treatment care instructions, including avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen to protect the treated areas.

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