ハイドラフェイシャルマシン vs ハイドロダーマブレーションマシン

Hydrafacial machines and hydrodermabrasion machines are both popular skincare devices used in non-invasive facial treatments. Here’s a comparison between hydrafacial machines and hydrodermabrasion machines:

1. テクノロジー & Mechanism

  • Hydrafacial Machine:A patented device that uses a unique technology combining cleansing, 角質除去, 抽出, 水分補給, and antioxidant infusion all in one session. It employs a vortex-fusion system, creating a spiral motion that simultaneously vacuums out impurities and infuses the skin with serums.
  • Hydrodermabrasion Machine:A more general category of machines that use water and oxygen to exfoliate the skin. It operates by delivering a stream of saline or other solutions to the skin, providing gentle exfoliation without the need for crystals or other abrasive materials like traditional microdermabrasion.

2. Focus of Treatment

  • Hydrafacial:Aimed at deep cleansing, 角質除去, and hydrating the skin while addressing various skin concerns like acne, 細い線, pigmentation, and large pores. It also includes a specific serum infusion step, which can be tailored for specific skin needs.
  • ハイドロダーマブレーション:Primarily focuses on exfoliating the skin with hydration using water and oxygen. It is gentler than traditional microdermabrasion but lacks the specific serum infusion that the Hydrafacial offers.

3. Customization Options

  • Hydrafacial:Highly customizable with various serums designed for different skin types and concerns. This makes it versatile for different skin issues, including aging, acne, and dull skin.
  • ハイドロダーマブレーション:While it provides gentle exfoliation and hydration, it doesn’t offer the same level of customization in terms of serums or specific treatments for skin conditions.

4. Results

  • Hydrafacial:Provides immediate results such as glowing, hydrated, and rejuvenated skin. Because of its serum infusion, users often report a more significant improvement in texture, トーン, and hydration levels compared to hydrodermabrasion.
  • ハイドロダーマブレーション:Delivers smoother, cleaner, and hydrated skin but may not show as dramatic results in a single session compared to the Hydrafacial due to the absence of serum infusions.

5. Cost

  • Hydrafacial:Typically more expensive due to the advanced technology and the use of customized serums. It’s also often offered in high-end clinics or medispas.
  • ハイドロダーマブレーション:Generally more affordable than a Hydrafacial, as it doesn’t involve specialized serums or patented technology.

6. Treatment Time

  • Hydrafacial:Takes around 30-45 minutes for a complete session.
  • ハイドロダーマブレーション:Usually takes about 20-30 分, making it a slightly quicker treatment option.

7. Skin Types

  • Hydrafacial:Suitable for almost all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin, due to its customizable approach.
  • ハイドロダーマブレーション:Also suitable for various skin types but is particularly favored for more sensitive or dehydrated skin due to its gentle exfoliation.


  • Hydrafacial is more comprehensive, offering not only exfoliation but also deep cleansing, 水分補給, and antioxidant protection with a tailored serum infusion. It is more advanced and tends to deliver more noticeable and immediate results.
  • ハイドロダーマブレーション, while effective for exfoliating and hydrating the skin, is a simpler and more general treatment, often more cost-effective but less targeted in addressing specific skin issues.

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