Mesin cryolipolisis

FotroMed provides advanced fat freezing solutions using state-of-the-art technology Cryolipolysis to target cellulite, delivering long-lasting results. Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to target and eliminate stubborn fat cells. The procedure freezes fat cells, which are then naturally processed and eliminated by the body over time. Safe and effective, it requires no downtime and is ideal for areas like the abdomen, paha, and love handles. Achieve a slimmer, more contoured appearance without surgery!
  • Non-invasive Fat Reduction
  • No Downtime or Recovery
  • Autonomous Treatment Process


Professional Cryolipolysis Machines

Advanced body contouring has revolutionized the way we approach fat reduction, mengencangkan kulit, and overall body sculpting, thanks to cutting-edge technologies that deliver non-invasive, efektif, and long-lasting results.

Cryolipolysis Machine Advantages

Targeted Fat Reduction
No Downtime
Hands-free operation

Professional Cryolipolysis Machine For Sale

Discover the ultimate solutions for advanced body contouring and skin rejuvenation with FotroMed’s cutting-edge devices:Patung Es FotroMed 360. The FotroMed Ice Sculpt 360 revolutionizes fat reduction with its advanced cryolipolysis technology, effectively targeting stubborn fat areas like the abdomen, waist, and thighs for noticeable, non-invasive results. Whether you’re seeking multifunctional performance, specialized skin treatments, or precise fat reduction, FotroMed’s innovative devices are designed to meet your needs and deliver exceptional outcomes.
  • Pendinginan otomatis dan disipasi panas
  • Sistem Keselamatan Cerdas
  • Perawatan yang fleksibel dan dapat disesuaikan
  • 360-Efisiensi Pendinginan Gelar

OEM & ODM Professional Body Treatment Machines

Fotromed menawarkan dukungan penyesuaian eksklusif untuk bisnis Anda. Layanan OEM dan ODM kami mencakup hal-hal berikut untuk mempromosikan merek unik Anda.

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Post Treatment Skincare Instruction Tailored for Your Beauty Machines
Targeting specific skin concerns, our HIFU machine supports a range of advanced and branded applicators for skin treatment, such as microneedle RF heads, radar carving HIFU cartridges, dll.. These diverse selections enhance our treatment possibilities, including but not limited to
Fotromed mendukung kustomisasi produk perawatan kulit:
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Ingin tahu produk skincare apa saja yang melengkapi perlengkapan kecantikan kita?

Body Series Treatment: Sebelum & Setelah Kasus



What are Professional Body Treatment Machines?
Professional Body Treatment Machines are advanced devices designed for spas, clinics, and wellness centers to provide non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments for skin tightening, fat reduction, cellulite removal, muscle toning, and overall body contouring.
What types of treatments can these machines perform?
These machines offer a variety of treatments, including: Frekuensi radio (Federasi Rusia) skin tightening Cavitation for fat reduction Vacuum therapy for cellulite reduction Microcurrent for muscle toning LED therapy for skin rejuvenation Ultrasound for deep tissue stimulation
Are Professional Body Treatment Machines safe?
Ya, when used correctly by trained professionals, these machines are safe and FDA-approved for various treatments. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and ensure proper training before use.
How long does it take to see results?
Results vary depending on the treatment and individual, but most clients notice improvements after 3-6 sessions. Consistent treatments and a healthy lifestyle can enhance and maintain results.
Is there any downtime after treatments?
Most treatments are non-invasive and require little to no downtime, allowing clients to resume their daily activities immediately.
Can these machines be used on all skin types?
Ya, most Professional Body Treatment Machines are suitable for all skin types. Namun, it’s important to consult with a professional to determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs.
How do I choose the right machine for my business?
Consider your target clientele, the types of treatments you want to offer, and your budget. Look for machines with proven technology, positive reviews, and reliable customer support.
Can these machines be used on all skin types?
Ya, most Professional Body Treatment Machines are suitable for all skin types. Namun, it’s important to consult with a professional to determine the best treatment plan for your specific needs.
How do I choose the right machine for my business?
Consider your target clientele, the types of treatments you want to offer, and your budget. Look for machines with proven technology, positive reviews, and reliable customer support.
Are these machines easy to operate?
Most machines are user-friendly and come with detailed instructions. Namun, proper training is recommended to ensure safe and effective use.
Where can I purchase professional body treatment machines?
You can purchase these machines from reputable suppliers, manufacturers, or authorized distributors. Look for warranties, after-sales support, and certification to ensure quality.

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